
  晚上上MSN发现不知道什么时候加入了一位国外朋友,刚开始以为是中国朋友,发条信息过去询问“ 你好 哪位呀 ”对方回答“hello”我又答“是你加我的吧”,对方接着答“i am the Admin from animepower.de”,“lol i dont understand chinese ^^”,我晕菜了,幸亏在学校读了点英语要不真的迷糊了,这是一位在德国的朋友,他不懂得中文~他让我用英语跟他交流,可学校学的那么点英语还真不能拿来会话了,顶多日常一点点会话了,搬来金山词霸翻译一些词汇,大致弄懂了这位朋友的来历,他是在互联网上搜索“洋葱头表情”进入我博客的,用翻译软件把本站翻译为英文才理解一些意思的,他还说他是巴基斯坦人在德国读书学英语,今年17岁了。挺有意思的,第一次在MSN上和国外朋友这样聊天,呵呵~下面是刚才的聊天记录,看看我的回复,有意思吧。。。没什么隐私了的。。。
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2007-03-07  22:46:04  海枫  nasir [WLL]  你好 哪位呀
2007-03-07  22:46:17      共享背景图片的传输已经完成。
2007-03-07  22:46:26  nasir [WLL]  海枫  hello
2007-03-07  22:46:39  海枫  nasir [WLL]  是你加我的吧
2007-03-07  22:46:45  nasir [WLL]  海枫  i am the Admin from animepower.de
2007-03-07  22:46:54  nasir [WLL]  海枫  lol i dont understand chinese ^^
2007-03-07  22:47:08  海枫  nasir [WLL]  yun
2007-03-07  22:47:35  nasir [WLL]  海枫  do you speak englisch
2007-03-07  22:48:02  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you from de ?
2007-03-07  22:48:32  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes germany
2007-03-07  22:49:15  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you join for me?
2007-03-07  22:49:49  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes I added you in msn
2007-03-07  22:50:00  nasir [WLL]  海枫  becaue I want ask some questions
2007-03-07  22:50:05  nasir [WLL]  海枫  of your Blog
2007-03-07  22:50:17  海枫  nasir [WLL]  i come from chinnese  
2007-03-07  22:50:46  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes I know ^^
2007-03-07  22:51:19  nasir [WLL]  海枫  I see it on http://blog.haifol.com/
2007-03-07  22:51:32  海枫  nasir [WLL]  3Q
2007-03-07  22:52:02  海枫  nasir [WLL]  English i dont know many
2007-03-07  22:53:03  海枫  nasir [WLL]  my blog for chinaese ,you see it know?
2007-03-07  22:53:40  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes, I translate the site in Englisch to understand, what you write down
2007-03-07  22:53:46  海枫  nasir [WLL]  study English  
2007-03-07  22:54:13  nasir [WLL]  海枫  really? xD so which class?
2007-03-07  22:54:40  海枫  nasir [WLL]  for you study English
2007-03-07  22:55:16  nasir [WLL]  海枫  no no, i am from pakistan and learn english at the school
2007-03-07  22:55:18  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you blog?
2007-03-07  22:56:19  nasir [WLL]  海枫  i dont have a blog
2007-03-07  22:56:20  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you Pakistan ?
2007-03-07  22:56:24  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes
2007-03-07  22:57:07  海枫  nasir [WLL]  how do you dou ,nice to meet you
2007-03-07  22:58:03  nasir [WLL]  海枫  i am fine, and you? Yes it's reallly fine
2007-03-07  22:58:32  nasir [WLL]  海枫  first of all
2007-03-07  22:58:35  nasir [WLL]  海枫  Nihau xD
2007-03-07  22:58:45  nasir [WLL]  海枫  no niahu
2007-03-07  22:59:15  海枫  nasir [WLL]  welcome to study chinese  
2007-03-07  22:59:19  nasir [WLL]  海枫  lol
2007-03-07  22:59:41  nasir [WLL]  海枫  Kanji, Katakana and hiragana are hard to study
2007-03-07  23:00:07  海枫  nasir [WLL]  welcome to chinsese!
2007-03-07  23:00:13  nasir [WLL]  海枫  :D
2007-03-07  23:00:16  海枫  nasir [WLL]  welcome to china
2007-03-07  23:00:42  nasir [WLL]  海枫  So sorry, I musst go to school
2007-03-07  23:01:13  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you are student ?
2007-03-07  23:01:22  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes
2007-03-07  23:01:29  nasir [WLL]  海枫  12th class
2007-03-07  23:01:44  海枫  nasir [WLL]  university man?
2007-03-07  23:01:47  nasir [WLL]  海枫  17 years old and you?
2007-03-07  23:01:57  海枫  nasir [WLL]  26 years
2007-03-07  23:02:05  nasir [WLL]  海枫  noo not university, in germany is university very hard
2007-03-07  23:02:43  nasir [WLL]  海枫  the Professor doesnt want, that the Students keep alive xD
2007-03-07  23:02:58  海枫  nasir [WLL]  not university》?
2007-03-07  23:03:08  nasir [WLL]  海枫  no school
2007-03-07  23:03:58  nasir [WLL]  海枫  in germany musst childen go 13 Years to school
2007-03-07  23:04:06  海枫  nasir [WLL]  no school?what du you du?
2007-03-07  23:04:38  nasir [WLL]  海枫  sorry i go to school, but not to an university xD
2007-03-07  23:04:51  海枫  nasir [WLL]  yes i knows
2007-03-07  23:05:20  海枫  nasir [WLL]  you use pjblog?  
2007-03-07  23:05:42  海枫  nasir [WLL]  nasir [WLL] 说: becaue I want ask some questions ,,,?what?
2007-03-07  23:05:46  nasir [WLL]  海枫  nooo I dont have a blog xD
2007-03-07  23:05:52  nasir [WLL]  海枫  yes for the Smilies
2007-03-07  23:05:55  nasir [WLL]  海枫  http://www.5d6d.com/viewthread.php?tid=17746
2007-03-07  23:06:07  nasir [WLL]  海枫  you know where can I find more Smilies?
2007-03-07  23:06:28  海枫  nasir [WLL]  Smilies? form google to my blog ?
2007-03-07  23:07:07  nasir [WLL]  海枫  sorry I musst go offline, we talk later ;)
2007-03-07  23:07:14  nasir [WLL]  海枫  BYE2
2007-03-07  23:07:23  海枫  nasir [WLL]  88





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